Ticking off Council Plan actions

6 May 2022

Strathbogie Shire Council has ticked off 23 actions from its 2021/25 Council Plan, just a few months after its adoption.

The Council Plan review was presented at the April Council Meeting, which is normal practice to review and update in parallel with the preparation of a new budget.

Mayor, Cr Laura Binks, said the updated Council Plan was now open for public feedback and encouraged all interested people to go to www.share.www.strathbogie.vic.gov.au for more information and to have a say.

“In just five months Council has completed 23 of the 2021/22 actions identified in our four-year Council Plan,” Cr Binks said.

“This includes actions such as our Advocacy Strategy and new website which is set to launch in coming weeks.

“We have also finalised the detailed design for the Greening Euroa project and implemented a Business Concierge Project to support businesses in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

The 2021-25 Council Plan is the key strategic document that governs the allocation of human and financial resources at Council and outlines the actions and strategies to be employed to achieve the Community Vision.

It was developed after nine months of engagement with the community and the first ever Strathbogie Shire Community Panel.

“It is essential that the Council Plan be reviewed and updated on an annual basis to not only reflect the actions that have been completed, but to ensure that the Plan remains relevant and responds to any unforeseen issues or significant changes that impact our community,” she said.

“Actions have also been moved from the broad 2021-25 timeframe to form part of the 2022-23 Action Plan in recognition of funding priorities and initiatives in the draft 2022-23 budget.”

Feedback on the updated Council Plan is open until 9am on Monday, May 23, 2022.

To learn more and have your say visit www.share.www.strathbogie.vic.gov.au or drop into a Customer Service Centre in Euroa and Nagambie. Submissions will also be received by writing to us at 109A Binney St, Euroa, 3666.