November Council Meeting to be reconvened
The November Council meeting, which began on Tuesday 21 November 2023 and lapsed, will be reconvened at Item 12 – Elections to Office – at 2pm on Tuesday 28 November 2023, at the Euroa Community Conference Centre, 1b Bury Street, Euroa.
The meeting held on Tuesday November 21, 2023 lapsed due to two Councillors abstaining to vote on Agenda Item 12 – Elections to Office.
This meant quorum wasn’t met and therefore the meeting lapsed.
Strathbogie Shire Council currently has five Councillors and two extraordinary vacancies. An absolute majority means that more than half of the Councillors must vote for the Mayor.
The Local Government Act 2020 requires an absolute majority of Councillors to vote in favour of the Mayor at the Elections to Office.
There has been no breach of the Act, Regulations or Governance Rules by Councillors who left during Tuesday night’s Council Meeting.
The Councillors stated their reasons for doing so related to the current challenges faced by Council and its inability to function.
At the meeting, Cr Raeburn said he could not support the appointment of a new mayor in the current environment at Strathbogie Shire Council.
“In the past few weeks, we have seen significant breaches in confidentiality, and I do not want to waste my time, or our community’s time, by pretending we are a functioning team,” he said and this was reiterated by Cr Sally-Hayes Burke who also left the chamber.
Council meeting agendas can be found on Council’s Meetings and Minutes page.